Weekly Business Insights from Top Ten Business Magazines | Week 289 | Leading & Managing Section | 2

Extractive summaries of and key takeaways from the articles curated from TOP TEN BUSINESS MAGAZINES to promote informed business decision-making | Week 289 | March 24-30, 2023

How To Start A Difficult Conversation With Confidence

By Kwame Christian | Forbes Magazine | Mar 28, 2023

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Starting a difficult conversation is one of the most challenging parts of the process.  The reason for this is simple. Most of us lack confidence in our ability to start a conversation that is both positive and collaborative. This lack of confidence can be a significant barrier to starting the conversation. 

However, with a simple formula, you can overcome this obstacle and start the conversation with confidence.  The formula for starting a difficult conversation is Situation + Impact + Invitation = Engaged Communication. This formula helps to structure the conversation, making it easier to start, stay on track, and end on a positive note.

The first step is to describe the situation. It’s essential to stick to the facts and not add any judgment, interpretation, or opinion. This makes it easier for the other party to understand the situation and accept it.  Next, describe the impact of the situation in personal terms. This means answering the question, “how does this affect me personally?” By doing so, it becomes harder for the other person to disagree or dismiss your concerns.  Finally, invite them to have the conversation using a positive frame. This is where you express your hope for a positive future.   This formula is simple, short, and effective. It can take anywhere between 10 and 30 seconds, depending on how much detail you need to provide. The key is to keep it short and simple. 

3 key takeaways from the article

  1. Starting a difficult conversation is one of the most challenging parts of the process.  The reason for this is simple. Most of us lack confidence in our ability to start a conversation that is both positive and collaborative. This lack of confidence can be a significant barrier to starting the conversation. 
  2. However, with a simple formula, you can overcome this obstacle and start the conversation with confidence.  The formula for starting a difficult conversation is Situation + Impact + Invitation = Engaged Communication. This formula helps to structure the conversation, making it easier to start, stay on track, and end on a positive note.
  3. This formula is simple, short, and effective. It can take anywhere between 10 and 30 seconds, depending on how much detail you need to provide. The key is to keep it short and simple.

Full Article


Topics:  Conversation, Communication, Conflict Resolution

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