The 10 Reasons Top Founders Are Building Personal Brands

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The 10 Reasons Top Founders Are Building Personal Brands

By Jodie Cook | Forbes Magazine | September 12, 2024

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2024 is the year of the personal brand, and it’s not set to stop. Entrepreneurs are finding they can grow their company much faster when an audience of people buy into them as its owner. A strong brand and impressive following can negate the need for advertising spend. It can attract opportunities, open doors, and mean exceptional team members come to you. It’s time to get involved.  Here are 10 compelling reasons to start building your personal brand right now.

  1. Make you stand out.  Sharing your strong opinions online makes you stand out. It makes you memorable. When people know what you’re about, it makes it easier for them to like and trust you. When clients have choices, they’ll pick the name they know.
  2. Build trust on autopilot.  Share your expertise regularly, and watch strangers turn into loyal customers. Showing up online is a non-stop trust-building engine. Your followers become your biggest fans.
  3. Set the trends.  Don’t copy what everyone else is doing. Be a leader online as well as in your company. Make yourself the go-to expert. 45% of decision-makers use thought leadership content to vet organizations. When people need answers, they’ll come to you first. They trust your wisdom will stack right up.
  4. Grow your network.  Your personal brand attracts like-minded professionals. It creates connections you never knew possible. The wider your network, the greater your impact. It’s a domino effect.
  5. Attract inbound opportunities.  A solid personal brand doesn’t wait for chances; it creates them. Speaking gigs, media spots, and book deals will all start coming your way as your profile grows. 
  6. Forget the hard sell.  No one really loves cold calling. But when you build your personal brand, it does the selling for you. Rather than fight your way to clients, they fight their way to you. So when opportunities come knocking, people are willing, even eager, to pay for your service.
  7. Bring your company along.  Building your personal brand isn’t selfish. Your personal brand lifts your entire business. 49% of a company’s reputation can be attributed to its CEO. As your reputation grows, so does your company’s. You attract sales, amazing team members and investors who are ready to go.
  8. Make a lasting impact.  People might remember a television commercial for 5 minutes, and a billboard for 5 seconds. But an insight from you, based on your unique experience, could be retold for years.  Your personal brand and everything you share has the power to stick in people’s minds. It’s evolution. Be remembered long after the meeting has ended when you prove you’re a person who people want to follow.
  9. Attract top talent easily.  Great people want to work with inspiring leaders. Your personal brand draws in awesome people who share your values and vision, and they already know what your company stands for.
  10. Give your business a human touch.  Your personal brand makes your business relatable. 88% of consumers trust recommendations from people they know over any type of advertising. It turns your company into a story people want to be part of.

2 key takeaways from the article

  1. 2024 is the year of the personal brand, and it’s not set to stop. Entrepreneurs are finding they can grow their company much faster when an audience of people buy into them as its owner. A strong brand and impressive following can negate the need for advertising spend. It can attract opportunities, open doors, and mean exceptional team members come to you. It’s time to get involved.  
  2. 10 compelling reasons to start building your personal brand right now are: it makes you stand out, it builds trust on autopilot, it helps you to set the trends, it grows your network, it attracts inbound opportunities, it will help you to bypass the hard sell, it brings your company along, it makes a lasting impact, it attracts top talent easily for you, and it will give your business a human touch.

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Topics:  Entrepreneurship, Personal Branding, Marketing