8 Critical Things Entrepreneurs Often Overlook When Starting a Company 

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8 Critical Things Entrepreneurs Often Overlook When Starting a Company 

By Kalon Gutierrez | Edited by Maria Bailey | Entrepreneur Magazine | October 10, 2024

2 key takeaways from the article

  1. The very definition of entrepreneurship implies many twists and turns.  Many of these early-stage decisions are foundational and become even more significant as the company itself matures. Due to arbitrary and self-imposed goals and timelines, founders may overlook critical components to building a lasting business. Haste can be met with regret later on in the company lifecycle, costing time, human and financial resources and, potentially, the company. 
  2. Eight critical actions that founders overlook when starting their companies:  Pro6perly forming their company under the right structure, Protecting their IP, Creating a proper board of advisors, Determining the right financing strategy, Evaluating founding team dynamics and identifying the gaps, Assessing the current macro environment, Paving their path to market, and Determining their long-term commitment/investment.  

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Topics:  Entrepreneurship, Startups, Teams, Board

Extractive Summary of the Article | Read | Listen

The very definition of entrepreneurship implies many twists and turns. Founders start companies based on an idea, form a business plan around what they believe that concept’s future to be, press their foot down on the gas pedal and off they go. Along the journey, founders are forced to make many quick but impactful decisions with limited resources and foggy knowledge about how their outcomes will play out. Essentially, they are building the base of a house, having no idea what its roof will eventually look like.

Many of these early-stage decisions are foundational and become even more significant as the company itself matures. Due to arbitrary and self-imposed goals and timelines, founders may overlook critical components to building a lasting business. Haste can be met with regret later on in the company lifecycle, costing time, human and financial resources and, potentially, the company.  Eight critical actions that founders overlook when starting their companies:

  1. Properly forming their company under the right structure.  There are multiple structures that companies can take early on, including an LLC, C-Corp and S-Corp. Each has its own advantages and limitations, and it is important that founders match their company structure with their financing and tax goals. 
  2. Protecting their IP.  Intellectual property should be protected at the onset of company formation and certainly before a product is launched in market. Companies should solicit an IP attorney to trademark the company and product names, logo designs and any defensible product designs. In addition, especially for technology companies, patents should be filed prior to product launch.
  3. Creating a proper board of advisors.  While the foundation stage may seem premature to acquire a board of advisors, it could actually prove advantageous and even critical. The reality is founders alone cannot cover all of the skill sets and experience bases needed to ensure a positive future outcome. Even at the earliest funding stages, “team” is a core component to investors betting on a company’s success. Advisors can fill in the skill gaps that are initially missing and serve as an important determinant of an investor’s choice to invest. 
  4. Determining the right financing strategy.  It’s commonly assumed that venture capital is the holy grail of investment and that the most successful companies build themselves by securing VC money. VC money is great for certain companies, but there are also restrictions.  As a founder, it is important to properly identify how success is determined for the company — asking yourself what growth looks like and how much of the company you are willing to part with in the long term.
  5. Evaluating founding team dynamics and identifying the gaps.  While advisors may fill in certain near-term skill gaps, the reality is they are not working full-time at the company. Therefore, it is important to identify current and future skill gaps among the founding/executive team, outline the roles that are needed to fill them and create a timeline to hire. Some may not be necessary until the next round of financing, and others may be immediate.
  6. Assessing the current macro environment.  While a founder may have the most innovative idea on the planet, the current macroeconomic environment may not be amenable to supporting it. It is important to review the broader macro environment with regard to receptivity to your product or service and the environment in general.
  7. Paving their path to market.  Founders can become so enamored with their product or service that they forget to assess how they will let others know about it. It is important for a new business to clearly identify its core customer target and its total addressable market to understand how much it will cost and how much time it will take to acquire those customers.
  8. Determining their long-term commitment/investment.  Jeff Bezos stated, “All overnight success takes about 10 years.” This could not be more accurate. Entrepreneurs read the shiny social media accounts of the companies that immediately skyrocket and experience a rapid hockey stick growth curve and expect that success, but success takes time. So early on, founders need to assess their own personal time horizons and determine how long they are committed to their endeavors.

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