Extractive summaries and key takeaways from the articles curated from TOP TEN BUSINESS MAGAZINES to promote informed business decision-making | Week 299 | June 2-8, 2023.

The Best Career Advice From 2023’s Top Graduation Speeches
By Emmy Lucas | Forbes Magazine | June 6, 2023
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Graduation season is upon us, and clips of high-profile commencement speakers have been making the rounds on social media. Here is some of the top career advice from this year’s commencement speakers—useful for anyone in any stage of their career, not just new graduates.
Oprah Winfrey, CEO, Oprah Winfrey Network, Tennessee State University, May 6: Listen to the voice inside your head when making decisions and don’t ignore opportunities that come your way, she advised.
Bill Gates, Philanthropist and cofounder of Microsoft, Northern Arizona University, May 13: Shared five pieces of advice he wishes he was told at the graduation he never had. These are: your life isn’t a one-act play; you are never too smart to be confused; gravitate toward work that solves a problem; don’t underestimate the power of friendship; and you are not a slacker if you cut yourself some slack.
Joe Biden, President of the United States, Howard University, May 13: U.S. Air Force Academy, June 1. Be fearless and never give up, whether they go on to be a lawyer defending rights or an artist shaping culture and to stay true to your morals.
Sanna Marin, Former Prime Minister of Finland, New York University, May 17: Marin advised students to be fearless in their pursuits. “The face of power is not the same as the face of the people—and this has to change,” Marin said. “I also want things to change, but I cannot do it alone. I need you and others with me to make the world more equal, more sustainable and more just.”
Nikole Hannah-Jones, Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist, New York Times Magazine , Spelman College, May 21: The journalist urged graduates to have the strength to know they belong: “Success doesn’t mean you have to leave your communities behind,” she said. Focus on what you can control, she said. “You can’t control how people will see you, judge you or treat you. What you can control is your own excellence.”
Hamdi Ulukaya, Founder and CEO, Chobani, Adelphi University, May 23. The yogurt company founder told graduates there will be many days when life “forces you to change.” “I’m not saying it won’t be scary,” Ulukaya said. “I’ve been scared at every step along the way, but I never let that prevent me from moving forward. I never let that prevent me from seeing the opportunities in the unknown. You can’t be afraid of being afraid.
Tom Hanks, Actor, speech at Harvard University, on May 25. Hanks’ speech at Harvard provided laughs—including a joke about never going to Harvard himself—but it was also serious, as he called on new graduates to defend truth and American beliefs.
2 key takeaways from the article
- Graduation season is upon us, and clips of high-profile commencement speakers have been making the rounds on social media.
- Some of the top career advice from this year’s commencement speakers—useful for anyone in any stage of their career, not just new graduates are: Listen to the voice inside your head when making decisions and don’t ignore opportunities that come your way; you are never too smart to be confused; gravitate toward work that solves a problem; don’t underestimate the power of friendship; Be fearless, never give up, and stay true to your morals; strength to know they belong, focus on what you can control i.e., your own excellence; there will be many days when life “forces you to change, never let fear prevent you from moving forward; and to defend truth.
Topics: Leadership, Personal Development, Society
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