7 Techniques To Maintain Your Creativity At Work In The Age Of AI

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7 Techniques To Maintain Your Creativity At Work In The Age Of AI

By Sherzod Odilov | Forbes Magazine | March 5, 2024

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The advancing tide of AI stretches further every week, dabbling in realms once solely reserved for human ingenuity. With fears of AI taking over jobs, a specific strain of worry rings louder for the inherently human craft of creativity.

Yet, the human mind still harbors an aura of ingenuity that machines, for all their might, cannot replicate. Creativity, with its essence of original thought, interpretation and problem-solving, is a defining feature of being human. But, in the face of such rapid advancements, how can we ensure our creative spark continues to grow at work, rather than be dimmed by the glow of AI?  The following can help.

  1. Cultivate Open-Mindedness.  The fertile soil of creativity is an open mind, ready to absorb new information and perspectives. In the age of AI, it’s essential to not cocoon ourselves in the comfort of routine or precedent. A willful openness to new ideas, even those that challenge our current belief structures, can lead to groundbreaking creativity.  Push your boundaries with interdisciplinary topics, engage with art, science, politics—subjects that may appear unrelated, but present an interwoven tapestry of inspiration. In doing so, you cultivate the kind of flexible, open thinking that AI, confined to its algorithms, cannot replicate.
  2. Deep Work and Solitude.  For some, creativity is born from solitude and the depths of focused, uninterrupted work. Author Cal Newport popularized the term “Deep Work” to describe this practice—concentrated mental efforts free from distraction. When phones cease to chime, email inboxes lay dormant and all focus is on the task at hand, creative realizations can emerge.
  3. Regular Mental And Physical Breaks.  Human creativity benefits from a well-rested mind, which is as nourishing to creation as a fertile mind is. Chronic stress, the antithesis of rest, has been shown to inhibit creative thinking. Thus, taking regular mental and physical breaks is an act of nurturing our creativity.
  4. Continuous Learning And Experimentation.  The modern workplace is often a crucible of specialized expertise, with tasks and roles becoming increasingly narrow. However, creativity thrives on the cross-pollination of ideas. Engage in continuous learning, explore new fields and pick up hobbies that challenge the status quo of your work.
  5. Building Relationships And Collaboration.  At its core, creativity often arises from the interaction of multiple perspectives and ideas. Building strong relationships within and outside your field can serve as a wellspring for creative thinking. Collaboration with diverse teams and thinkers can amplify your creative potential.
  6. The Art Of Storytelling.  Stories have been the bedrock of human communication since our ancestors painted on cave walls. The ability to construct and convey narratives is not only an amplifier of creativity but a significant skill in the professional world. A compelling narrative can transform complex data into relatable insights or rally support for an audacious project.
  7. Mindfulness And Creative Blocks.  Lastly, when faced with creative blocks, mindfulness can be a guiding star. Confronting the frustration of an unyielding challenge with an open, non-judgmental awareness can often dissolve the staunchest barriers to creativity.

2 key takeaways from the article

  1. The advancing tide of AI stretches further every week, dabbling in realms once solely reserved for human ingenuity. With fears of AI taking over jobs, a specific strain of worry rings louder for the inherently human craft of creativity.
  2. Yet, the human mind still harbors an aura of ingenuity that machines, for all their might, cannot replicate. Creativity, with its essence of original thought, interpretation and problem-solving, is a defining feature of being human. But, in the face of such rapid advancements, how can we ensure our creative spark continues to grow at work, rather than be dimmed by the glow of AI?  The following can help: Cultivate Open-Mindedness, Deep Work and Solitude, Regular Mental And Physical Breaks, Continuous Learning And Experimentation, Building Relationships And Collaboration, The Art Of Storytelling, and Mindfulness And Creative Blocks.

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Topics:  Creativity, Personal Development, Technology, Artificial Intelligence

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