3 Weekly LinkedIn Habits To Elevate Your Career

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3 Weekly LinkedIn Habits To Elevate Your Career

By William Arruda | Forbes Magazine | May 8, 2024

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Building a robust career isn’t just about seizing opportunities when the mood strikes; it’s about consistent, productive habits, especially on professional networks like LinkedIn. This platform is a powerhouse for personal branding and career advancement—when you use it wisely and consistently. Commit to these three weekly habits to harness LinkedIn’s full potential.

  1. Demonstrate Thought Leadership.  Create Regular Updates: Make your presence known. Regular updates remind your network of your insights and expertise. Unsure what to share? Ask yourself: “Will this be valuable to my audience?” Share only what your audience will find helpful. Share articles, videos, or intriguing statistics—anything that sparks conversation and underscores your expertise.

Curate Insightful Content:  Inspiration running low? No time to create new content this week? No problem. Share an insightful article or whitepaper that you found as you engaged with your favorite online resources. Remember to add your unique take and make the content you share more valuable. This not only diversifies your content but also amplifies your voice, bolstering your personal brand.

  1. Expand Your Network Strategically.  Add New Connections:  Dedicate time to sort through connection requests, accepting those that align with your professional criteria—perhaps those in your field, active in the same groups, or with standout profiles. Don’t be too strict in your connection strategy, though. Be open to connections that help diversify your network. 

Celebrate Milestones.  Configure your notifications to celebrate your connections’ professional milestones. Quick, thoughtful messages go a long way in nurturing relationships. Because this is happening in real-time, reach out to your connections right away to send your best wishes. 

Engage in LinkedIn Groups.  Choose two or three active groups where you resonate with the members. Ensure the groups you choose have a lot of member engagement and interaction. Participate, share insights, and absorb best practices—it’s the virtual equivalent of a dynamic professional association.

Manage Your Inbox.  Not every message warrants an immediate response. Schedule a weekly review to address important communications and bypass those that don’t require a response.  

  1. Assess Your Impact.  Check Out Who’s Checking You Out:  Who’s viewing your profile? This metric clues you into whether you’re attracting the right audience—decision-makers and influencers who matter in your career trajectory. Are the people who are checking you out people you want to have in your brand community? Regularly check this to gauge your brand’s reach. Then make changes to ensure you’re magnetic to your ideal followers. When your profile and activity are clear and focused, you’ll likely attract the ideal followers.

Analyze Engagement:  Evaluate the reach of your posts and articles. Are they resonating with the right people? Which topics get the most likes, comments, and shares? Does your community value articles or videos more? Use these insights to tailor your upcoming content and engagement strategy for optimal impact.

2 key takeaways from the article

  1. Building a robust career isn’t just about seizing opportunities when the mood strikes; it’s about consistent, productive habits, especially on professional networks like LinkedIn. This platform is a powerhouse for personal branding and career advancement—when you use it wisely and consistently. 
  2. Commit to these three weekly habits to harness LinkedIn’s full potential.  Demonstrate Thought Leadership by creating regular updates & by curating insightful content.  Expand Your Network Strategically by adding new connections, celebrating milestones & managing your inbox.  And Finally Assess Your Impact by checking out who’s checking you out & analyzing engagement.

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Topics:  Personal Brnading, Thought Leadership

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