Weekly Business Insights from Top Ten Business Magazines | Week 303 | Entrepreneurship | 1

Extractive summaries and key takeaways from the articles curated from TOP TEN BUSINESS MAGAZINES to promote informed business decision-making | Week 303 | June 30 – July 6, 2023.

From Setback To Comeback: How To Manage Rejection And Keep Moving Forward

By Joseph Liu | Forbes Magazine | July 4, 2023

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Rejection is an inevitable part of any challenging or meaningful endeavor. Rejection can leave you feeling dejected, rattle your confidence, or leave you questioning whether you’re on the right path. 

Your ability to manage both the emotional and practical impact of rejection will have a direct impact on your eventual success. While completely shrugging off a rejection may prevent you from learning something along the way, getting stuck in the disappointment resulting from a rejection can be paralyzing. Ultimately, dealing with rejection requires both humility and perseverance.

Embracing rather than simply brushing aside negative emotions you experience in life is certainly valuable. If you try to move on too quickly without processing rejection, negative emotions can start to accumulate inside you and manifest in ways that detract from your professional effectiveness.  But don’t allow yourself to stay down for too long.  Try to differentiate between the effort you put in and the actual outcomes, placing more weight on your efforts and knowing the outcomes are sometimes out of your hands.  You can be fully invested in your work without being too attached to outcomes. Not putting all your eggs in one basket can help. Diversify your efforts. Have other projects in the pipeline. Create a contingency plan. And focus on self-care so you can weather any blows you may receive along the way.

Managing rejection is critical to getting where you want to go in your career. Being self-critical and doing a brutally honest post-mortem can be productive. Learning whatever lessons you can from the mistakes you made or areas where you could have done better so you can actually improve.

However, maintaining your motivation and self-belief is also important in your career, especially since careers are more like marathons rather than sprints. Falling over isn’t fun, but staying down for too long isn’t always productive, and often counterproductive. Convincing yourself you did the best is sometimes necessary so you can move on.

So if you regularly catch yourself saying derogatory things to yourself that you wouldn’t say to someone else, or if you’re beating yourself up too much in the face of rejection, think about what sort of a long-term impact that’s having on your productivity and self-confidence. Being patient with yourself throughout all the ups and downs of your career is the key to being able to keep moving forward.

3 key takeaways from the article

  1. Rejection is an inevitable part of any challenging or meaningful endeavor. Rejection can leave you feeling dejected, rattle your confidence, or leave you questioning whether you’re on the right path. 
  2. Your ability to manage both the emotional and practical impact of rejection will have a direct impact on your eventual success. While completely shrugging off a rejection may prevent you from learning something along the way, getting stuck in the disappointment resulting from a rejection can be paralyzing. Ultimately, dealing with rejection requires both humility and perseverance.
  3. Managing rejection is critical to getting where you want to go in your career. However, maintaining your motivation and self-belief is also important in your career, especially since careers are more like marathons rather than sprints. Convincing yourself you did the best is sometimes necessary so you can move on.  Being patient with yourself throughout all the ups and downs of your career is the key to being able to keep moving forward.

Full Article


Topics: Entrepreneurship, Startups, Leadership

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